Hexagon Metrology Blade 4.2 is a significant development release of the software. Release date: November 7, 2014 Featured Items -------------- BRK-319 Enhance Blade CSV file export to include column for deviation of out of tol values BRK-312 Probe compensation isn't right for sections with two partial ends BRK-311 Blade 4.2 does not run with LMS license BRK-310 Add Full Blade LE Arc Fit and LE Arc Region Form Calculation BRK-309 Sometimes MCL is backwards when both ends are partial BRK-291 Add new calc LECONT2 and new setting LE_CHANGE2 BRK-236 Blade installation needs to switch from Amyuni version 4.0 to version 5.0. BRK-232 MCL is bad for Nominal when FORCE keyword is used. BRK-210 Mean Camber Line improvements. The initial changes apply only to normal (not square or partial) blades. BRK-202 Max thickness returning incorrect values BRK-155 Add Method to LEPOS and TEPOS to report position vs bow line rather than stack axis. BRK-141 Remove the ability to add or remove buttons from the toolbar. BRK-47 Add ability to report skewed sections in Blade coordinates. Contact Hexagon Metrology ------------------------- If you would like further information or technical support, please feel free to contact http://hexagonmetrology.us/contact-us or visit www.pcdmis.com. Hexagon Metrology Technical Support can also be reached by calling (1) (800) 343-7933.